Fittings Multimedia Arts | Sharmanka | 2005

SHARMANKA was first inspired by Beckett’s play in 1990 while still based in Russia. Founding members sculptor/mechanic Eduard Bersudsky and theatre director Tatyana Jakovskaya created a sculpture entitled The Dreamer in the Kremlin.

For Endgame, Sharmanka – in close collaboration with the core artistic team at Theatre Workshop – has created a kinetic set designed especially for this production: a unique and powerful backdrop for Beckett’s starkly apocalyptic vision.

Endgame Dog

Written by Samuel Beckett

Director | Robert Rae

Design | Sharmanka

Lighting | Sergey Jakovsky

Sound | RJ McConnell

Performed by:

Nabil Shaban & Garry Robson


Sputnik Performer